Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Organization vs. Inspiration

I need a bigger corpus callosum. It the large band of connective tissue right smack in the middle of the brain that has most of the left-side, right-side connectors. Most of my life in technology and administration I live on the left side. My organized, sequential, predictably deliverable personality is a major contributor to job success. I need it.

But I love the right side. The muse side. The poetry and art and music and spontaneous and unpredictable side. It feels like the last 10 years of my life have been an ebb-and-flow acceptance of my right side. I want more of the inspiration. But when I deal with to-do lists and political wordsmithing and nuancing the color orange (!) all day it's tough to make the switch. So bring on those corpus callosum stimulants, because I need the switch.


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